Sunday, 23 November 2014

Christmas Gift Guide : D.I.Y

This year I'm planning on doing a lot of D.I.Y gifts! I've been looking high and low for the perfect presents for my parents and in the end I just thought, why not make something instead? I think making presents is perfect! It really shows how much you care because you clearly sat down and took the time to plan it and make it and I think they're so much more personal and special than something shop bought which everybody has! 

Here is a list of some of the things I'm planning on making this year and a few extra things I found that you might like to make for somebody special! 


The first thing I'm planning to make this year is a canvas for my parents. They got married last year so I'm going to use one of their wedding photos to do it. I got the idea from one of Jim Chapman's videos and I just hope mine turns out as well as his did!


For my mum I'm going to be making something that I've seen a lot on the internet called 'Spa in a Jar'.

I really like the concept of this and as a busy woman my mum needs to take some time out and so I may as well give her the excuse she needs by giving her plenty of things to pamper herself with! I've seen several variations of this and I'm going to use different bits out of different examples to make it personal to my mum and the things I know that she'd like to use. So far I've put in a nail varnish, exfoliating gloves, a face mask, a mini reed diffuser and hand cream. 


For my dad I'm making a 'Man Tin'. I bought this on amazon ( just search 'man tin') for fairly cheap, although I can't remember the exact price- 

I'm going to fill it with little bits and pieces I know he'd like. So far I've got gloves, earphones, a key ring, hankies and chocolate. 


The 1st December is one of my best friends birthdays and so I'm making her a present, however this could obviously be a Christmas present too! 

I'm filling a scrapbook with pictures of us and inside jokes and memories and decorating it with ribbon and stickers. 

The book and ribbon were from a shop called The Works, the pens were from Wilkinsons and the stickers and gems were from Home Bargains. I really love receiving these sorts of presents because they're so personal and thoughtful, so I really hope my friend likes it!


Another great idea I've seen all over the internet is 'Hot Chocolate Making Sets'. There are two ways people tend to do this. One way is in a mason jar- 

This way's cute and if you add more things in the jar like chocolate chips or cookies, you can create a sort of ombré effect. I also love the bottle of baileys on the side, as it's a nice little touch. I know my mum would love this!

Another way people often make this present is in little tubes-

This way obviously takes a little longer, and I've no idea where you would buy tubes like that from, but I think this is such a nice gift and it looks lovely! I really like the way they've been decorated and I think they look super cute and are perfect for any age!


This present is great for Christmas, especially for someone looking to get organised in the new year! 

It's simple to make, just patterned paper in a photo frame and a whiteboard marker! It can be easily personalised though to suit the person you're giving it to and you could easily swap the paper for photos of the person and their friends and/or family. It's a great modern take on the typical calendars, planners, organisers and diaries that many people get every year.


Another super easy idea is a homemade mug. The picture below has some instructions on it but I've never tried them so don't blame me if they aren't right!

I like the 'His and Hers' ones above. They look shop bought and much more expensive than they probably were! Of course these can be tailored to suit absolutely anyone of any age, so they're a perfect gift for so many people!


'52 things I love about you' has always been one of my favourite homemade gifts! It's by far one of the most special and personal ones and really shows how much you care! This gift can be perfect for anyone; a partner, husband, wife, parent, friend etc. This gift is also perfect for any occasion, not just Christmas! Also, although I love the idea of making this on a pack of cards, it could always be done in a little booklet, or scrapbook or something similar.


My final D.I.Y gift idea is to bake! Baking presents is fab! Everyone loves food so why not give it as a gift! There's so many things that can be baked and you can always find a way to incorporate something the recipient loves, or their name (using icing for example) and make it really cute and specific to them. 

I really like the idea of presenting a homemade gift in a little basket like above. It looks brilliant and is so cheap! You could buy a pack of paper plates for about £1 and that could make baskets for all your friend's and family's gifts!

I hope you enjoyed looking at some ideas for homemade gifts and that it's inspired you to make something, and get a little creative this year too! Making presents can be just as exciting as giving and receiving them, which is why I love doing it! Stick on a Christmas jumper, some Christmas songs (preferably Michael Buble) and grab a hot chocolate and making presents will soon become one of your favourite times of Christmas! 

Hope you enjoyed,

Speak Soon


  1. I love these ideas! Reading your blog has made me even more excited for Christmas! x

    1. Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm getting so excited now! 20 more sleeps.... 🙈 x
