Monday, 12 January 2015

The Weight Loss Diaries : Becoming Healthier

Let's see how long this lasts. Just like the past two years, I am vowing to lose weight and become healthier. 

There are many, many reasons people choose to do this, I couldn't list them all, but I can tell you why I want to. 

I've been unhappy with how I look for a long time. However, fortunately for me, the problem has always been my weight. Thankfully, I'm not unhappy with parts of my body that can't be changed without drastic action such as surgery. I have the option to lose weight, relatively easily, with some determination and hardwork.

I've promised myself I'd go through with this for a few years now but this year, I think, could be the year- for the following reasons:

I finally have a diet plan/programme to follow. Every other time I've attempted to lose weight I have followed a 'fad' diet that I would never be able to substain forever or for long periods; I've always set myself up to fail. However, this time I have found a plan that really suits me and is full of foods that I like!

Being Adventurous
The other day I tried grapes and blueberries. A lot of you probably don't think that's much of a big deal, but as someone who currently has NO fruit every single day and rarely eats vegetables, this is a big achievement for me. I have begun trying new things, and slowly broadening my food choices and options.

Drinking More Water
We all know that drinking lots of water is healthy and can help with weight loss and I think I've finally managed to do it! I now drink water with breakfast and dinner every single day and most of the time with my tea too.

Telling the Internet
Knowing that I have posted this on the Internet and that its online for all (including my friends) to see, motivates me more than if I was the only one who knew I was trying. 

As you can see from the title I am calling this series The Weight Loss Diaries, and every time I lose weight I will tell you how much I lost, what sort of meals I ate that week and what exercise I did. I'm hoping this will help any of you that wish to lose weight too or be healthier.

Thank you for reading, and wish me luck! I'm gonna need it....! 

Speak Soon


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