Friday, 5 December 2014

Liebster Award 2014

So recently I was nominated by the lovely, All Things Adele to take part in the Liebster Awards 2014. 

I've not complelty followed the general rules as I haven't had time to nominate 11 blogs and things, but it hope my slightly shorter version is okay! 

Adele left me 10 questions about me and my blog for me to answer and once I've answered them I will tag some more bloggers to answer the questions I make up for them. 


1. Why Did You Start Blogging? 

In my first ever post I wrote briefly about this, but basically I started blogging to document everything that's happening in my life. It saddens me that our teen and early adulthood years are some of our best, yet after so long no one seems to remember them that much, unless something major happened. Therefore I decided to start a blog purely to document all these moments, so that one day I'll be able to look back on them, or show my children and remember all the little things. 

2. What is your Favourite thing about Blogging?

The fact that I'll be able to remember everything and look back on these years when I'm older. But also that no one I know, apart from about 2 friends (that barely read it), know about my blog. This means I'm free to share all my opinions and memories without anyone knowing or passing comment.

3. Sweet food or Savoury food?

I am 100% a savoury girl! I would choose crisps over chocolate any day and in restaurants I would always rather have a starter than a main! I like sweet food but I can't eat a lot of it at once without feeling unwell! But I could eat savoury food all day! 

4. Favourite Film...

I hate being asked this question because it's just so hard to choose! The Harry Potter films are definitely up there and at this time of year I absolutely love The Holiday! Other than that I just don't know! I like any Christmas film, comedy film, rom-com film and the occasional big action or fantasy depending what it is! To be honest I'm pretty laid back with films! Other than horror films I'll pretty much watch anything.

5. What do you like to do in your Spare Time?

Lately I have so much work to do all the time that I don't get much spare time! 

I go through periods, usually around March and April, when I just love going to the gym after school! I wish I was like this all year round but unfortunately I'm not! 

I also love to read, watch youtube videos, watch t.v, watch films, listen to music, go out with friends, take long bubble baths, sleep, eat, bake, cook and write lists! This makes it sound like I do a lot, but to be honest I barely do anything but homework, revision, sleeping and watching tele or youtube. I'm not that exciting! 

6. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be? 


I want to travel the entire world and see everything this planet has to offer! 

I want to go to-

New Zealand 
A rainforest
A desert
The Artic or Antarctica 

Just to name a few...!

7. Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Easiest question ever- Tea!! 
It's in my twitter bio and everything, so it must be official! 

8. What is your favourite colour?

Black and Purple are my favourites:) 

No one would guess as my room is the pinkest, prettiest, most floral place ever. But my favourite things are black, purple, gothic styles, chockers, tattoos, lots of eyeliner, black hair, skinny jeans and doc martens. I'm just not confident enough to pull it off and there is the side to me that loves the pretty pink bedroom!

9. Favourite type of restaurant?

Probably Italien, but recently I went out to an Indian and it was sooooo good that it may have swayed me a little! But in general I probably like, more Italien food than anything else. I do love chinese food too, but I tend to eat chinese as more of a takeaway than at restaurants. 

10. Are you a cosy night in or a party all night kind of person?

I have always been a cosy night in girl. I'm quiet, shy and like my own space, so crowded parties aren't my thing normally. However, ever since the Halloween party on 1st November, I've been craving another night out! My house has now become associated with work and sleep, so I desperately need a night out to waken me up and let my hair down for a few hours, because my house, at the minute, is driving me a bit insane! 

I hope you enjoyed that!

I now tag-

Porsche Mercedes from

To answer the following questions: 

1. When and why did you start blogging?

2. What's your favourite thing about your blog?

3. What are your future plans, in terms of blogging?

4. What is your favourite city?

5. Crisps or chocolate?

6. What are your biggest ambitions?

7. What would your dream house look like?

8. What would your last meal be?

9. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

10. What's your favourite quote?

I'm really looking forward to reading all of your answers and hope that you enjoyed mine. Of course you don't have to answer the questions on your blog if you don't want and I'm sorry if you've already been nominated, although I did try and check that you hadn't! 

Speak Soon

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