I believe that sexism is an issue that will effect each and every one of us. However, I believe that it's very rarely spoken about and that's something I want to change. There's no shame in wanting equality; be it in gender, race, sexuality, religion, or any other form. So why do we not openly speak about it and/or strive to achieve it?
The definition of sexism is 'prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination, typically towards women, on the basis of sex.' Although I agree that this is obviously an accurate description, I hate that it involves the words 'typically towards women.'
In my mind, I believe that sexism effects both men and women, equally, our whole lives.
I researched the history of sexism in Britain and ways, or laws, that have made men and women more equal. There were hundreds, so I can't include all, but some of the things I found, that I really think have shaped the way life is today, included:
Late 1800s- Law passed to allow women the right to their own property.
Early 1900s- Women are allowed to stand as mayors.
1928- Women given the same voting rights as men.
1970s- Britain's first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
As you can see, all of these are ways women have become more equal to men. Few, if any, laws or changes that I have found are to allow men to become more equal to women.
I feel lucky that I live in a country where sexism doesn't effect me in many huge ways. I have the right to an education, job, life, to choose who I marry, what I wear. But across the world there are many girls and women who don't get these basic rights.
In some countries, women are still unable to vote, or don't have the same voting rights as men. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive. In Yemen, women can't leave the house without their husbands permission. In several countries there are millions and millions of girls who are forced into marriage as children.
So maybe the definition of sexism is right in the way that women are victims of sexism across the world, in very severe ways. However, this isn't true to all women in every country. I know in England, where I live, that none of the above examples would be allowed to happen. But when it comes to sexism affectin men, I feel that all men in every country will be equally victims, as they are smaller problems than the examples affecting women.
For instance, in the majority of court cases following a divorce or separation, the woman will get full, or most, custody of a child. This is obviously not true to all cases, but is to the majority. This makes a mans role as a parent seem less important than a woman's. Secondly, domestic violence is often taken less seriously when a man is the victim. It's seen that if a woman hits a man he must of deserved it, but if a man hits a woman he's a monster. This view obviously needs to be changed. This form of sexism is so serious that in some countries there isn't even a law to prevent a man being raped by a woman, as it's not believed to happen when of course, unfortunately, it does. Finally, very often as a child and even in adult hood, men and boys will hear the phrases 'man up', or 'be a man'. This is of course very damaging as it implies that men should, always be strong and not show signs of emotion. So very often, men will find it harder to express their feelings, as our society brings them up to believe that they must be strong at all times.
So while I understand that sexism towards women is an enormous issue, especially in other countries, I think that it will be very hard to erase. I obviously think we should be working towards erasing sexism towards women, and that it is an important subject for us to be dealing with, however I believe that it will take a lot of time and it isn't something that everyone of us can make a difference to as we can't all change opinions or laws.
However, I do think that each and every one of us can work towards erasing or at least reducing sexism towards men. This is something much more easily managed and that we can all achieve. By encouraging the men in our lives to express their emotions and to not have to appear strong at all times, we might me able to make a difference.
I truly believe that men are just as much victims of sexism as women, and I think it's about time we all started to campaign for equality for men, as well as equality for women. Yes there will always be things men or women will, on average, be better at, but this isn't true to every man or woman and the stereotypes that come with sexism need to be addressed.
Thank you for reading,
Speak Soon
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