So I've seen this tag floating around the internet for a very very long time, and although I'm a bit late to catch on, I've finally got round to answering... The British Tag!!
How many cups of tea do you have a day & how many sugars?
If it's a day where I am at school I probably only have one, two if it's in the winter! However if it's a day when I'm off school, especially around Christmas, I can have about four a day! I used to have 2 sugars but as I started to have more every day I decided I had to change to 2 sweeteners or I'd have no teeth left!
Favourite part of your roast?
Oh I love a roast dinner! I do like the meat but my favourite bit is 100% the roast potatoes! At Christmas I also love the stuffing, pigs in blankets and roast parsnips!
Favourite dunking biscuit?
Chocolate Digestives!!!! Sturdy, practical, and perfect for dunking! However I do love a good bourbon cream!
Favourite quintessentially British pastime?
I don't think I actually take part in any 'British pastimes' but I did play lacrosse just the once and loved it!
Favourite word?
These are probably more sayings than words but....
'Bloody hell'
'Arse over Tit'
'Cor Blimey'
Cockney rhyming slang?
I don't actually use any cockney rhyming slang because I'm completely northern! I don't actually know if any one uses it at all. The only ones I know from the top of my head are, 'You better Adam and Eve it' and 'Apples and Pears'.
Favourite sweet?
I don't really like sweets, I prefer crisps or chocolate, but I love the Strawberry and Cream Chupa Chups and Cola Bottles!
What would your pub be called?
The Golden Unicorn
don't ask why...
No.1 British person?
Emma Watson!!!!!
Favourite shop / restaurant?
Nandos, Pizza Express and Pesto. I don't think I like any shops that are strictly in Britain though? Maybe Primark...
What british song pops into your head?
Something by The Beatles or Oasis maybe? No idea why, but they're the British bands that first came to mind, aha! I don't even listen to either of them!
So there's my atempt at The British Tag!
Hope you enjoyed it,
Speak Soon
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