I hope you all enjoyed my What I Got For Christmas series! I've really enjoyed writing it and today is my final part which is just all the bits and pieces that didn't fit in to the Fashion or Beauty categories. So let's get started...
Firstly, this year I got several pieces from Stella & Dot. They're an online company selling jewellery and accessories and I strongly recommend you having a look on their site because the things they sell are just beautiful and so is their packaging! This first piece, a necklace, was from my parents.
Finally, my parents also bought me this bracelet from Stella and Dot. My mum knew I love to have a lucky bracelet and you may have seen it before. However it's getting a bit old and grotty so she bought me this new one to wear for all exams I have, and other times I need a bit of luck. The bracelet is gorgeous and I love the packaging! It says 'Make your own luck'.
I'm not the biggest Zoella fan out there, however I do watch some of her videos, so obviously I heard about Girl Online. I'm excited to read this as it sounds like I'm going to relate to the book quite a lot.
When we moved house a year ago I took the chance to completely redesign the style of my bedroom, meaning I had to buy everything brand new as my old stuff wouldn't match the theme. This means for the past 2 Christmas' and my last birthday my mum has continued to buy me little bits and bobs for my room to fill it up with all the little things needed to make it feel homely. One of the things I got this Christmas was this butterfly which I hang from the Middle of my curtain pole.
The final piece of jewellery I received this year was this little bracelet from H&M which will go with so many of the outfits I wear!
Another book I got this year, which should help me with my New Year Goal of reading more, was Christmas with Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher. I am a hugeeee fan of Giovanna and I love her books so I'm super excited to read this!!!
My and my mum have planned to hang lots of photos on one of the walls in my bedroom, in all different frames of different shapes and sizes, so my mum bought me a few for Christmas to get us started!
This little mouse is made with a very long tail which is designed for hanging your rings on! I think this is such a cute idea and I'm definitely going to put this pride of place on my dressing table!
It isn't Christmas without receiving mounds of chocolate! I should probably add that the bar of white chocolate is from Aldi and I would highly advise you all to go and buy some because it is the nicest chocolate ever! My nanna bought me that bar beause every time I'm staying at her house I ask her to get me some!
This gorgeous little box is what I'm now going to use for storing all of my bracelets. I love the design of this, it's perfect for my room.
So that is it, all of the things I received for Christmas! I loved writing this series and hope you enjoyed reading it as I know I love this kind of post!
Thank you very much for all of your views, follows and comments over the past few months. I've been so overwhelmed by the response I've had, which I know isn't much but it's far more than I imagined I'd recieve in my first 3 months!
Thank you once again! I hope you all have a fabulous night welcoming in the New Year!
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